Mailbox Upcycle
This is going to be another fairly low key post…not many words…so please bear with me!
I don’t usually write about my actual office job on here because I always try to leave my work at the office!
We pulled out of the office early today…(June 15th is the final deadline for filing income tax in Canada) we had around the same number of late files as we usually do. This year we decided we’d put in enough long days and nights that we would finish up what we could and the rest can wait till next week. So I think this weekend will call for some major rest and relaxation!!

Any ways, on to the actual topic of the post…I had an ugly, old, white mailbox which came with my house when I bought it. I think you know what I mean. Just imagine….white paint peeling and rust splotches complete with spider webs…ugggg…it was the true definition of being plain ugly! I couldn’t stand it and had seen a really adorable mailbox from Pottery Barn which I’d been dreaming about.
Isn’t it just too cute?!! Oh, but I wanted it so badly…I even added it to the cart on two different occasions and then took it out as I wondered if I reeeeally needed it. (aren’t you proud of me, Mom?)

I had also seen a picture of an upcycled mailbox on Better Homes & Gardens website which I kept tucked into my memory in case this whole Pottery Barn idea didn’t pan out. Since things weren’t looking too favorable for something “new”, I decided to check out my inspiration idea.
My mailbox is a different style than the inspiration picture which I found, but hey, it inspired me…and it was cheaper!

I didn’t take a before picture, as I was too desperate to get started with the sanding and painting. I used the Cherry Red Gloss in Krylon Indoor/Outdoor spray paint. Please try and ignore the fact that I got paint on my cement floor.
While the paint was drying in between coats I used my Cameo to cut the white vinyl. I can’t figure out which font I used. I’m sorry!! Once I figure it out I’ll post an update on the font I used.
I’m so please with how it turned out! This is the final outcome which I LOVE!! And it didn’t cost me anything except time, as I had everything else on hand.
This is where it currently sits. Right by my front door. Now hopefully I can get it put up this weekend!
Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by!

Oh how fun, your mailbox is so cheery! Great idea!
Kelly, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! I really appreciate it! Have a wonderful week.